バージョン: v7


プラットフォームサービスは、現在のデバイスに関する情報を取得するために使用できます。platforms メソッドを利用することでデバイスに関連付けられているすべてのプラットフォームを取得できます。例えば、アプリがタブレットから表示されているかどうか(モバイルデバイスまたはブラウザ上にある場合)、および正確なプラットフォーム(iOS、Android など)などです。右から左への言語の向きなどを使用すれば、デバイスの向きもわかります。この情報を使用して、あらゆるデバイスに合わせてアプリを完全にカスタマイズできます。


import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';

export class MyPage {
constructor(public platform: Platform) {




DescriptionDepending on the platform the user is on, is(platformName) will return true or false. Note that the same app can return true for more than one platform name. For example, an app running from an iPad would return true for the platform names: mobile, ios, ipad, and tablet. Additionally, if the app was running from Cordova then cordova would be true.
Signatureis(platformName: Platforms) => boolean


platformNamePlatformsName of the platform. Available options are android, capacitor, cordova, desktop, electron, hybrid, ios, ipad, iphone, mobile, phablet, pwa, tablet


以下は、利用可能なすべての platform の値とそれに対応する説明をまとめた表です。

Platform NameDescription
androida device running Android
capacitora device running Capacitor
cordovaa device running Cordova
desktopa desktop device
electrona desktop device running Electron
hybrida device running Capacitor or Cordova
iosa device running iOS
ipadan iPad device
iphonean iPhone device
mobilea mobile device
mobileweba web browser running in a mobile device
phableta phablet device
pwaa PWA app
tableta tablet device

Customizing Platform Detection Functions

The function used to detect a specific platform can be overridden by providing an alternative function in the global Ionic config. Each function takes window as a parameter and returns a boolean.

import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

imports: [
platform: {
/** The default `desktop` function returns false for devices with a touchscreen.
* This is not always wanted, so this function tests the User Agent instead.
'desktop': (win) => {
const isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(win.navigator.userAgent);
return !isMobile;
type PlatformConfig = {
android?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
capacitor?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
cordova?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
desktop?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
electron?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
hybrid?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
ios?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
ipad?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
iphone?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
mobile?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
mobileweb?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
phablet?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
pwa?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;
tablet?: ((win: Window) => boolean) | undefined;


DescriptionDepending on what device you are on, platforms can return multiple values. Each possible value is a hierarchy of platforms. For example, on an iPhone, it would return mobile, ios, and iphone.
Signatureplatforms() => string[]


DescriptionReturns a promise when the platform is ready and native functionality can be called. If the app is running from within a web browser, then the promise will resolve when the DOM is ready. When the app is running from an application engine such as Cordova, then the promise will resolve when Cordova triggers the deviceready event. The resolved value is the readySource, which states the platform that was used.

For example, when Cordova is ready, the resolved ready source is cordova. The default ready source value will be dom. The readySource is useful if different logic should run depending on the platform the app is running from. For example, only Capacitor and Cordova can execute the status bar plugin, so the web should not run status bar plugin logic.
Signatureready() => Promise<string>


DescriptionReturns if this app is using right-to-left language direction or not. We recommend the app's index.html file already has the correct dir attribute value set, such as <html dir="ltr"> or <html dir="rtl">. W3C: Structural markup and right-to-left text in HTML
SignatureisRTL() => boolean


DescriptionReturns true if the app is in landscape mode.
SignatureisLandscape() => boolean


DescriptionReturns true if the app is in portrait mode.
SignatureisPortrait() => boolean


DescriptionGets the width of the platform's viewport using window.innerWidth.
Signaturewidth() => number


DescriptionGets the height of the platform's viewport using window.innerHeight.
Signatureheight() => number


DescriptionGet the current url.
Signatureurl() => string


DescriptionReturns true if the expression is included in the user agent string.
SignaturetestUserAgent(expression: string) => boolean


expressionstringThe string to check in the user agent



pause イベントは、ネイティブ・プラットフォームがアプリケーションをバックグラウンドに置いたとき、通常はユーザーが別のアプリケーションに切り替えたときに発生します。このイベントは、Cordova/Capacitor アプリケーションがバックグラウンドに置かれたときに発生しますが、標準的な Web ブラウザでは発生しません。


this.platform.pause.subscribe(async () => {
alert('Pause event detected');


resize イベントは、ブラウザウィンドウの寸法が変更されたときに発生します。これは、ブラウザーウィンドウが物理的にサイズ変更されている場合や、デバイスの向きが変わっている場合に発生します。


this.platform.resize.subscribe(async () => {
alert('Resize event detected');


resume イベントは、ネイティブプラットフォームがバックグラウンドからアプリケーションを引き出したときに発生します。このイベントは、Cordova/Capacitor アプリがバックグラウンドから出てきても、標準的な Web ブラウザで起動しない場合に発生します。


this.platform.resume.subscribe(async () => {
alert('Resume event detected');